What Is Consulting and Who Needs it Anyway?

5 Tips to Help You Through Your First Therapy Session

Choosing to see a psychologist is one of the most important steps towards a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life. Maybe you're struggling with your weight or maybe you feel unhappy with your marriage, or perhaps your grades are not what they used to be. Seeing a psychologist could make you understandably nervous, but there is nothing wrong with that. Here are five 5 tips to help you through your first therapy session.

Take a few minutes to prepare

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Take a few minutes with a pen and paper and write down what is on your mind. Write down your goals and what you want to achieve out of the therapy session. Remember the session is about you. Focusing on yourself rather that the psychologist will reduce how nervous you feel once you walk into the therapy room.

Embrace your therapist as you would a new friend

Think of your therapist as a new friend, one whom you can be more open with. The person who will have your back. This will help you embrace your problems and be more open to sharing.

Be honest

There is a good reason for being honest even when you don't want to be. Being honest about how you feel and why you feel that way will help your course of treatment and contribute to optimal results. Being dishonest or trying to paint a prettier picture of yourself only makes you avoid the problem(s).

Ask a few questions

Asking your therapist a few questions has great benefits. It will help you understand how counseling works, and most importantly it will help you become more comfortable and open to sharing. Be straightforward about the things you want to know. Here are examples of the questions you can ask:

  • How often will we meet?
  • What do you expect of me?
  • What kind of approach do you use?
  • What do we hope to achieve?

Take it one step at a time

Therapy is based on information gathering. Your therapist needs to collect information and learn more about you to properly evaluate your concerns and come up with a proper approach to address these concerns. It's OK not to share all the information during your first session. Take it one step at a time and share only what feels comfortable for you. As you progress, the process will become easier, and sharing won't feel like such a burden.

Have realistic expectations and be patient with the process. With your effort and the help from your psychologist, you will get the most benefit out of therapy.
